Mr & Mrs Clifford. Adelaide Zoo Weeding
We all know how time-consuming and stressful planning our wedding can be. So before you start reading this, remember that the number one thing that we must keep in our mind is that every decision we make should ultimately lead to our satisfaction and expectations — no one else’s.
It is our wedding, and it is our day. And as much as we want to be inclusive and please as many people as we can. We come first.
Now let’s get down to business, shall we?
1. Create a new email address just for your wedding planning process
During the process of planning your wedding, you will probably be in touch with a lot of suppliers and emails have a way of getting mixed with your everyday inbox. By creating a separate email address, you will now know that every single email that shows on that particular inbox is wedding related and you won’t miss anything and all the essential info will be only in one place.
2. Create a wedding website
It sounds like a tremendous job, but believe me is not that bad and in the long run, it will save you so much time!
In your wedding website, you can include all the relevant information that your guests need to know for the big day. You can add venue directions, dress code, gift registry or wishing well instructions, children policy (if you have any) and any other details that you consider pertinent. This way you won’t have to be answering the same questions over and over again.
Here is a list of some of the options you can use:
The Knot:
They all provide a free version, and you will also be able to purchase a domain if you want a more personal touch.
3. Centralise your wedding documentation
If you are like me and have your own “order” meaning that you have a spread of documents hiding in different places at home, do an exemption for your wedding planning process and keep all records in one place. From quotes, invoices to seating charts. Save yourself some time and headaches and keep all in a safe spot.
4. Suppliers Checklist
There are so many suppliers involved in the process of planning your wedding… So if you are not big on planning software like 99% of humanity, get yourself an excel spreadsheet and make a list of every supplier that is taking part in your wedding. Create a couple of columns next to their name so you can track the stage where you are at. Have you paid the deposit, are you waiting for their final invoice, are you pending to sending some additional information? Whatever it is, make sure is on the list. This way you know where you are at with everyone.
5. Automate your RSVPs or keep a manual tracking system
Keeping track of your RSVPs can be one of the most time-consuming parts of the planning process. Therefore, I recommend two options for the tech and non-tech savvy crowds.
The first choice would be to have an online tracking system which will help you following up on guests and sending them friendly nudges and reminders.
Now, I know you are thinking “mmm… uncle tom is not going to go online and check his email! He barely knows how to share posts of Facebook!”. If you think that traditional correspondence might be more appropriate, then write a number at the back of each RSVP envelope, that way if uncle tom forgets to write his name down, you at least will know what his number is and can confirm that he is coming.
Good luck with the planning lovelies!
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